Short Story

A tired mama working to rebuild my son and my life from the bottom and file for full custody.

North Dakota, United States (US)

Life & Custody of my Son

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Backstory: I had my son in 2012. I had primary custody with some visitation with his dad. His dad was in active addiction and couldn’t provide properly for our son. In 2018, I was incarcerated due to my own decisions and addiction and was sentenced to 11 years in the Bureau of Prisons. At this time, my son went with his dad and he filed for full custody and child support. Fortunately, I was serving my time during COVID and was a recipient of the CARES Act early release to direct home confinement on May 31, 2023. In August, I received a call from the local police department asking if my son was safe to stay with me, which of course he was. I’ve been sober for 6 years at this time, and was working to save money to find a safe place for my son and I to rest our heads. A CPS case was opened and a safety plan was put in place, giving my son to me full time. I spoke to an attorney at that time but unfortunately, due to my status of home confinement she informed me that a judge wouldn’t give me custody of my son but would give him back to his dad, who, come to find out, never was granted full custody or child support. I’ve been working 2 jobs, maintaining sobriety, providing the best I can, but this mama is tired. At the end of January, I will finally be able to file for full custody of my son, I just don’t have the resources for legal aid… and legal aid is not available in my area, due to the boomer era lawyers retiring.


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